Animated Character Database

Weedle (Japanese: ビードル Beedle) is a dual-type Bug/Poison Pokémon introduced in Generation I.

It evolves into Kakuna starting at level 7, which evolves into Beedrill starting at level 10.


Weedle is a larval insect Pokémon with a segmented body ranging in color from yellow to reddish-brown. Each segment of its body is a sphere. It has a bulbous red nose, two small, black eyes on its face and two spherical feet on each body segment. The combination of red and yellow in its color scheme creates a bright warning to predators that it is poisonous. Weedle has a conical, two-inch (five centimeter) venomous stinger on its head and a barbed one on its tail. Weedle can retaliate against attackers and those who step on it with its strong toxin. It can distinguish its favorite kinds of leaves using its acute sense of smell. As a young Bug-type Pokémon, its daily appetite for leaves matches its weight. Weedle can be found in temperate forests and usually hides in grass, bushes, and under the leaves it eats.


Weedles evolves into Kakuna, which evolves into Beedrill.

In the anime[]

Main series[]

Weedle in the anime

Major appearances[]

Multiple Weedle debuted in Challenge of the Samurai, where Ash was very close to catching one. He used his newly caught Pidgeotto to battle it, which resulted in Weedle being knocked unconscious. However, when Ash was about to throw his Poké Ball, Samurai came up and asked Ash if he was a Trainer from Pallet Town. This distracted Ash from catching Weedle, allowing it to escape. This same Weedle later warned its kind, and together, they tried to avenge its attempted capture by attacking his friends.

In The Bug Stops Here, Casey caught a Weedle during the Bug-Catching Contest, and later released it in accordance with the Contest rules.

Minor appearances[]

A Weedle appeared in The Kangaskhan Kid.

In The Ultimate Test, a Trainer allowed Todd to photograph his Weedle. Due to a coloring error, this Weedle was colored green like a Caterpie. Generation II revealed that Shiny Weedle are green as well.

In Mewtwo Strikes Back, a Trainer's Weedle was defeated by Mewtwo while it was serving for Giovanni.

In In the Pink, multiple pink Weedle were residents of Pinkan Island.

In Tracey Gets Bugged, a Weedle was one of the Bug-type Pokémon on Murcott Island.

A wild Weedle appeared in Pikachu's Rescue Adventure.

In Illusion Confusion!, a Weedle was one of the illusions created by a group of Haunter and Gengar.

In For Crying Out Loud, multiple Weedle were accidentally soaked by Wilhomena's Marill.

In Gettin' The Bugs Out, multiple Weedle were residents of Azalea Gym. They assisted in tying Team Rocket up with silk.

Multiple Weedle appeared in Celebi: The Voice of the Forest.

In Got Miltank?, a Weedle was an inhabitant of a Pokémon-exclusive oasis.

In For Ho-Oh the Bells Toll!, multiple Weedle protected the Tin Tower after Team Rocket stole the Crystal Bells on the top floor.

In Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution, a Weedle fell sick due to Team Rocket's experiments.

In the banned episode EP250, a Weedle was in a forest outside the Ice Cave.

A Weedle appeared in All in a Day's Wurmple.

In Gonna Rule The School!, the Pokémon Trainers' School lent a Weedle to the school's underage students for use in lessons.

A Weedle appeared in Destiny Deoxys.

In The Saffron Con, a Coordinator's Weedle was stolen by Team Rocket. After being returned, it competed in the Saffron City Pokémon Contest in the next episode.

A Weedle appeared in The Green Guardian.

Two Weedle appeared in Three Jynx and a Baby!.

Two Weedle appeared in Talking a Good Game!.

In Once More With Reeling!, a Coordinator's Weedle participated in the Terracotta Contest.

A Weedle appeared in Following A Maiden's Voyage!.

In One Big Happiny Family!, a Weedle was healed by Nurse Joy after being injured.

A Weedle appeared in Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin!.

A Weedle living in Professor Sycamore's lab appeared in Lumiose City Pursuit!, Mega-Mega Meowth Madness!, Day Three Blockbusters!, and Battling With a Clean Slate!; as well as in a flashback in Garchomp's Mega Bond!.

A Weedle appeared in An Appetite for Battle!.

A Weedle appeared in a flashback in A Watershed Moment!.

A Weedle appeared in a flashback in Seeing the Forest for the Trees!.

Two Weedle appeared in I Choose You!.

In Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution, a Trainer at Old Shore Wharf was seen with a Weedle.

A Weedle appeared in a flashback in Enter Pikachu!.

In Working My Way Back to Mew!, Goh caught a Weedle. It has since made further appearances in Pokémon Journeys: The Series.

A Trainer's Weedle appeared in Caring for a Mystery!.

Two Weedle appeared in Trade, Borrow, and Steal!, with one under the ownership of a Trainer and the other being wild.

A Trainer's Weedle appeared in Crowning the Chow Crusher!.

A Weedle appeared in This Could be the Start of Something Big!.

A Weedle appeared in The Rainbow and the Pokémon Master!.

Two Weedle appeared in HZ004. They reappeared in HZ005, where they helped repair the damage to the Brave Asagi.

Pokédex entries[]

Episode Pokémon Source Entry
EP004 Weedle Ash's Pokédex Weedle. The stinger on this Pokémon's head guarantees that any attacker will get the point right where it hurts.

Pokémon Origins[]

Weedle in Pokémon Origins In File 1: Red, a Weedle was one of the Pokémon seen in Professor Oak's introduction.

In File 3: Giovanni, a Weedle was at Silph Co.


A Weedle appeared in Wait for Me, Magikarp!.
