Animated Character Database

(0:45) Last time on The Roswell Conspiracies. (0:49) Queen Bob has been abducted. (0:51) Shlain Blaze is to inherit the crown.

(0:56) Agent Blaze has betrayed us. (0:59) May I present Shlain Blaze, Queen of the Banshees. (1:05) Your play, Acton Shlain.

(1:07) I have declared war upon the Alliance. (1:12) And now, Queen of the Banshees, Part 2. (1:29) You can't just attack the Alliance, Shlain. (1:32) You're acting foolishly.

(1:34) I'm not a fool. (1:35) I am Queen of the Banshees. (1:38) And your general, Reneker, will rue the day he stole Queen Mam from us.

(1:48) For he could not have anticipated that I was to succeed her. (2:07) The Banshee are on the move, locating their exit position. (2:34) Moving to cemetery in County Sligo.

(2:37) Senseless Banshee, tricked by a faked Alliance insignia, (2:42) and one strong-willed youthless queen for a day. (2:45) And the bill for your repeated attacks on our technology now comes due. (2:50) You creatures, poise on the earth.

(2:53) You poison us. (2:55) An entirely unintentional benefit. (2:58) And one of little concern once we bleed the life from your sacred tree of light.

(3:03) Oh, and then, what is it exactly that will happen? (3:08) Ah, yes, I remember. (3:11) The Banshee all die. (3:13) Power threats.

(3:14) Vampires are physically unable to pass through the mystical portal and into our lair. (3:19) Those who control technology control the world, and the key to every door in it. (3:26) But blood-sucking techno-vermin like you will always be on the outside looking in.

(3:31) Your life will end now. (3:34) Ignoring my orders again, Valra? (3:37) Leave her. (3:38) The queen's fate has already been sealed in a more poetic manner.

(3:42) My apologies, Overlord. (3:45) I humbly await your command. (3:48) With the Banshee taking the bait and attacking the Alliance, (3:51) they've finally left their lair vulnerable.

(3:54) Now go, Valra, and ride with the vampires. (4:02) General, I'm getting a single energy fluctuation 16 kilometers off the starboard bow. (4:19) And closing.

(4:20) She's alone? (4:22) Allow her to approach. (4:23) Though it's not quite the reception I had expected (4:26) after war to bat as little sunlight chat with our young vampire prisoner (4:30) and reveal their efforts to frame the Alliance. (4:34) Perhaps our show of force here has induced Agent Blaze to come crawling with crown in hand.

(4:39) Sir, the energy seems to be separating. (4:43) She's not alone. It's a trick.

(4:46) It is time, my sisters, for retribution! (4:51) Prepare for battle. (5:28) Seven flyers down, sir. (5:39) Two more sisters have been lost.

(5:42) And another? (5:43) Will Mother Earth protect us? (6:04) They just overran the engine room and sealed all decks. (6:27) Pinpoint Agent Blaze and take her out. (6:31) They'll be lost without her.

(6:44) Permission to come aboard, General? (7:02) Have a seat, big man. (7:05) Give the order to release Queen Mab, or I'll drop you into the sea. (7:10) I don't have her.

(7:12) Do it anyway. We don't need him. (7:21) We might, as a hostage.

(7:29) Voice recognition. (7:31) Command access code for Slain Blaze. (7:34) Set in course for the Alliance bunker.

(7:38) We'll be known soon enough if you're telling me the truth. (8:03) Unload the impaler. (8:19) It won't do you any good, human.

(8:21) Those crystals are harder than diamonds. (8:23) Why aren't you attacking with the other Banshee warriors? (8:26) Because it is forbidden for the daughter of... (8:29) Daughter? (8:30) I shouldn't even be talking to the likes of a human male. (8:33) Seems the only daughter held back from battle would be that of the Queen.

(8:38) You know nothing of our ways. (8:41) Slain didn't really inherit this throne, did she? (8:44) It's actually yours. (8:46) You just needed her to lead an attack on the Alliance.

(8:50) It wasn't my plan. (8:52) Shatura and Jinta made me go along for the good of the clan. (8:56) Slain and the others.

(8:57) You have to know that ultimately they won't win. (9:00) The Alliance is too big, too powerful. (9:07) Intruders at the portal tomb! (9:17) Activate your phase shifters.

(9:46) Yes! (9:47) It's time to suck the sparkle from that tree of lights. (10:02) Vampires! It is impossible! (10:04) What are they after? (10:06) Vengeance, I fear. (10:07) If the Tree of Life falls, every last Banshee will perish.

(10:12) Release me. I'll help you. (10:25) Shurayan, fighting aliens.

That's what I do. (10:31) Huh? (10:45) Find it all amusing, do you, General? (10:48) A small suggestion for my radiant usurper. (10:51) Grow eyes in the back of your head.

(10:53) Meaning what, exactly? (10:55) Meaning the Emerald Isle. (10:59) You might hazard a glance back at it. (11:02) You see, I had received reports of a vampire command center off Galway Bay.

(11:06) Seemed almost as if they were waiting. (11:14) We've been deceived. (11:16) They're going after our Tree of Light.

(11:18) My dear ladies, may I present Queen Mab's true abductors? (11:22) And now no doubt the current residents of your lair. (11:39) No, I haven't any humanitarian motives. (11:41) There's simply a deal to be made.

(11:44) Reverse course! (11:46) But which target, Shlain? (11:48) The command center to save your queen, or the cemetery to save your lair? (11:53) The odds of accomplishing both are nil. (11:58) General, I, uh... (12:00) Someone recently told me I was foolish to come after you. (12:05) Someone evidently quite insightful.

(12:07) Now I find myself asking for your help. (12:09) One condition. (12:11) When this is over, you walk away from the Sisterhood (12:14) and report back to the Alliance.

(12:17) Permanently. (12:26) Agreed. (12:27) Take your forces to the lair.

(12:29) We'll rendezvous there after the Alliance liberates Queen Mab. (13:05) All clear. (13:37) Consider yourself rescued by the Alliance.

(13:40) A thought nearly as abhorrent as being held prisoner by the vampires. (13:45) General Rineke, you surprise me. (13:49) Hanek.

Still pulling strings from Intracom, I see. (13:53) I'd have thought you'd be as eager as I am to see the Banshee destroyed. (13:57) Yet you help them.

(13:58) They're a black thorn in your side, Hanek. (14:01) Reason enough to keep them around. (14:03) Your day will come, Rineke.

(14:05) All secrets will be exposed. (14:08) You will be ruined, and the Alliance will fall. (14:50) Okay.

Now that was cool. (14:53) Whoa! (15:34) Shrine! Get away from there! (15:38) Logan, what a surprise. (15:44) Shall we just let that little Banshee die a noble death? (15:48) Hmm? (16:42) Yes, my impaler.

Feed on the Tree of Light. (16:45) Wipe the Banshee from existence. (16:52) You're going to make one mouth-watering personal slave.

(16:56) I'd never strike a lady. (16:58) Unless, of course, she just whooped my butt. (17:07) I knew I should have destroyed you when I had the chance.

(17:32) After her! (17:41) Thank you, Queen Nab. (17:44) It was purely self-serving. (17:47) The Banshee are dying, and we need you.

(19:20) The portal has been moved. (19:25) My Queen... (19:27) Will I be told where? (19:29) As long as your loyalty remains with the Alliance, (19:32) you can never return. (19:35) Why can't you admit that the Alliance helped us? (19:38) They can be our friends.

(19:41) You have the ideals of a child, Shlain. (19:44) But the courage of a true Banshee warrior... (19:49) You shall be missed. (20:11) Come on.

Let's go home.
