A skeletal ghost that isn't strong but can mean trouble in large numbers. |
- This card's first manga appearance was in chapter 10.
- While Yami Yugi was dueling Seto Kaiba in the Yu-Gi-Oh! (Toei anime) and manga, Yugi set this monster. It was destroyed by Kaiba's "Battle Ox".
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX[]
- In episode 35, two copies of this card are some of the weak monsters that Chazz Princeton rescued from the Reject Well.
- In episode 131, this card is shown in a flashback explained by Chancellor Sheppard when he explains to Jaden Yuki's friends about Jaden's relation to "Yubel". Jaden is shown using this card during his Duel against Osamu. Osamu uses this card during his Duel against Jaden. After Osamu activates "Perfect Counter Code 123" to negate the summon of "Yubel" and destroy it, Osamu uses this card, "Clown Zombie", and "Dragon Zombie" to attack directly and win him the duel.
- In episode 150, this card is shown in a flashback Jaden has when a memory bubble hits him and he sees himself as a child. Jaden notes that Yubel brought him, his friends, and his allies to the alternate dimension for a reason.
- In episode 153, this card is seen in a flashback Jaden has when he recognizes Osamu.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's[]
- In episode 70, Haley uses this card during his Ground Duel against Leo. He discards this card as per the effect of "Circle of Terror" in order to allow himself to summon monsters this turn. This activates the effect of "Hollow Ghost", inflicting 600 damage to Leo.
- In episode 118, this card is shown when Yoshizo Hayashi shows his Deck to Yusei Fudo.
- This card also appears in a flashback Yusei has when he wondered why Yoshizo's Deck was full of Normal Monsters.
- In episode 119, this card is shown in Taro Yamashita's backstory when he was shown building the Deck that he and his friends would use for the World Racing Grand Prix.
- This card also appears in a flashback Yusei has when he notes all the monsters owned by Team Taiyo are Normal Monsters.
- In episode 120, two copies of this card appear in a flashback Jinbei Tanigawa has when he reminds himself that he and his friends believe in their battling style.
- This card also appears in a flashback Luna has when she notes to her friends that Team Taiyo don't have any cards for a secret strategy.
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V[]
- Two instances of this monster appear on the Wight School billboard seen in episodes 1, 3, 127 and 141.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 3D Bonds Beyond Time[]
- This card appears in Paradox's explanation when he tells Yugi, Jaden, and Yusei that the reason why he came to the past was so that he could prevent his own bad future from happening. Yugi, Jaden, and Yusei disagreed with going along with Paradox's plan as Paradox's actions will destroy and ruin their eras in time since they revolved around Duel Monsters.
Video Games[]
- Bawnji uses 3 copies of "Skull Servant" and many Zombie-Type skeletons in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force. He can use it with "The Dark - Hex-Sealed Fusion" to Summon "Flame Ghost" or "Zombie Warrior". When it's in his Graveyard, he can use it to help power up "King of the Skull Servants".
- This card is an opponent in the first Duel World in Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008. He uses a Zombie deck. He is also the first opponent in Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: World Championship 2006 and among the first in World Championship mode in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2009: Stardust Accelerator.
- This card became infamous as being one of the worst monsters in the game, prompting Konami to create support cards for it as the Wight series.
- Due to its reputation as being a very weak monster on its own, several video games based on Yu-Gi-Oh! reward the player with a bonus if they manage to reduce the opponent's Life Points to zero with an attack from this card. (This is known as "Skull Servant Finish".)
- Either this monster or "King of the Skull Servants" (or possibly both in some cases) appear in the artworks of the following cards:
- "Ghost Salvage"
- "Graceful Revival"
- "King of the Skull Servants"
- "Panic Burial"
- "Monster Rebone"
- "Spirit Caller"
- "Terrible Deal"
- "Tri-Wight"
- "Wightprince"
- "Quarantine"
- "Reject Reborn"
- "There Can Be Only One"
- "Spirit Shackles"
- This monster appears in the artworks of the following cards, according to the Master Guide 3 card storylines:
- "Dark Eruption"
- "Pride of the Weak"
- "Spirit Caller"
- "Zombie Master"
- "Self-Mummification"
- This card appears in the artwork of "Ante".
- This monster has a counterpart: "The Wandering Doomed".
- The Japanese name of this monster, "Wight", is a Middle English word for a creature or living being, esp. a human being. This term is used comparatively recently to give an impression of archaism and mystery in literature, for example in the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, where "wights" are corpses with a part of their decayed soul. Some subsequent writers seem to have been unaware that the word did not actually mean ghost or wraith, and so many works of fantasy fiction, role-playing games and computer and video games use the term as a name for spectral or undead creatures.
- This card is Level 2 in the first-series anime and manga.
- The character Shiro from Shakugan no Shana bears a strong resemblance to this card.
- This card is the first Zombie monster in Rush Duel format.
Previously Official Rulings[]
These TCG rulings were issued by Upper Deck Entertainment and have since been deemed unofficial by Konami. They were previously considered official and can still be correct, as long as they follow the official gameplay rules, or unless Konami has issued a ruling that says otherwise. References: |
Mentions in Other Rulings[]
- Black Garden: If "King of the Skull Servants" is Normal or Special Summoned, first its original ATK is set by its effect. When "Black Garden" halves its ATK, it will halve the original ATK, and even if the number of "King of the Skull Servants" and/or "Skull Servants" in the Graveyard changes afterwards, the ATK of the "King of the Skull Servants" remains at the halved value set by "Black Garden".
- Elemental HERO Thunder Giant: If the effect of "Elemental Hero Thunder Giant" [sic] is activated, targeting "King of the Skull Servants" with 2000 original ATK, and the opponent chains "Curse of Aging" and discards "Skull Servant" to activate it, then "King of the Skull Servants" has 3000 original ATK and is not destroyed.
- King of the Skull Servants: If the number of “Skull Servant” and “King of the Skull Servants” cards in your Graveyard changes, re-calculate the original ATK of “King of the Skull Servants”. If it is equipped with "Megamorph" you would then re-apply the effect of "Megamorph".
- King of the Skull Servants: If you have 2 "Skull Servant" cards in your Graveyard (original ATK 2000), and you equip this card with "Megamorph", its current ATK will become either 4000 or 1000, depending on your Life Points.
- King of the Skull Servants: Removing from play 1 "Skull Servant" or "King of the Skull Servants" to Special Summon a "King of the Skull Servants" is a cost.
- Pole Position: If "Pole Position" is active, and your opponent controls "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Skull Servant", and you activate "Smashing Ground", "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" is unaffected by Spell Cards, so the effect of "Smashing Ground" disappears.
- Skull Servant x3
- Des Lacooda
- Exiled Force
- Goblin Zombie x2
- King of the Skull Servants x3
- Magician of Faith
- Mystic Tomato
- Sangan
- Spirit Reaper x2
- Stealth Bird x2
- Stone Statue of the Aztecs x2
- Foolish Burial
- Heavy Storm
- Level Limit - Area B x2
- Lightning Vortex
- Mystical Space Typhoon
- Opti-Camouflage Armor
- Pot of Greed
- Premature Burial
- Reload x2
- Smashing Ground x2
- Call of the Haunted
- Dust Tornado x2
- Gravity Bind x2
- Next to be Lost
- The League of Uniform Nomenclature
- Armored Zombie
- The Snake Hair
- Clown Zombie
- Skull Servant x2
- Curse of Vampire
- Des Lacooda x2
- King of the Skull Servants x2
- Necroface x2
- Pyramid Turtle x3
- Shadow Ghoul
- Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower x2
- Spirit Reaper
- Vampire Lord
- Shadow Ghoul
- Book of Life x2
- Call of the Mummy x2
- Enchanted Arrow x1
- Fairy Meteor Crush x2
- Fissure
- Magical Mallet
- Overpowering Eye x2
- Shield Crash
- Twister
- Chain Detonation
- Chain Healing
- Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell x2
- Shattered Axe x2
- Waboku
- Armored Zombie x2
- Clown Zombie x3
- Dragon Zombie x2
- Skull Servant x3
- The Snake Hair x2
- Castle of Dark Illusions
- Des Lacooda x3
- Pyramid Turtle
- Shadow Ghoul x2
- Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower x2
- Book of Life
- Call of the Mummy
- Enchanted Arrow
- Fairy Meteor Crush x2
- Fissure
- Magical Mallet
- Overpowering Eye x2
- Shield Crush
- Twister x2
- Chain Detonation
- Chain Healing
- Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell x2
- Shattered Axe x2
- Waboku
- Skull Servant x3
- Chaos Necromancer
- Goblin Zombie x2
- King of the Skull Servants x3
- Magical Merchant x3
- Mezuki x3
- Plaguespreader Zombie x3
- Pyramid Turtle x2
- Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2
- Sangan
- Spirit Reaper
- The Lady in Wight x3
- Zombie Master x3
- Synchro Monsters
- Doomkaiser Dragon x3
- Revived King Ha Des x3
- Book of Life x2
- Burial from a Different Dimension
- Cold Wave
- Foolish Burial x2
- Heavy Storm
- Mystical Space Typhoon
- Opti-Camouflage Armor
- Shrink
- Pyramid Turtle
- Book of Life
- Card Destruction
- Hand Destruction
- Lightning Vortex
- Shrink
- United We Stand
- Crush Card Virus
- Raigeki Break