Animated Character Database

Skilled White Magician was the fourth of the five Duelists of Death whom Aster Phoenix Duels.


White Magician and the other Duelists of Death were first attacking Jim when he demanded to face the Supreme King. He and the others were later seen as spectators during The Supreme King's Duel with Jim Crocodile Cook. He later duels Aster. However, he and Skilled Dark Magician were actually Demise, King of Armageddon in disguise. This is character version of the card, "Skilled White Magician". He is the only Duelist of Death that is a LIGHT monster instead of a DARK monster.


The Skilled White and Skilled Dark Magician Dueled Aster as a team. The only cards seen in their Decks were their own cards, their true form "Demise, King of Armageddon" and "End of the World", although it is unknown which of them played each card.


Opponent(s) Episode(s) Outcome
Various Villagers 142-143 Win (with Skilled Dark Magician Off-screen)
Aster Phoenix 142-143 Lose (with Skilled Dark Magician)