Animated Character Database
Animated Character Database

Raphael, also known by the nickname Red Stripe, is the central protagonist of the 2012 TV series Season 5 episodes, The Wasteland Warrior, The Impossible Desert, and Carmageddon! in the Mutant Apocalypse alternate timeline.


Under the name "Red Stripe" Raphael has developed into a fierce fighter for whom only survival has become important. Before the events of the Mutant Apocalypse arc, Raph no longer remembers certain parts of his past, which is probably due to a side effect of the mutagen disaster. The discovery and reunion of the surviving members of his family was what helped Raph regain his lost memories.


He still uses his sai; however, he also uses a red blaster.


  • His character is similar to Mad Max Rockatansky from the Mad Max movies.
  • His armor bears some resemblance to the one worn by his 2007 film counterpart, who dressed up as the Nightwatcher.
    • His mask and eye-goggles may also share a resemblance to his 2014-16 movie counterpart.