Animated Character Database
Animated Character Database

We are the Magical Tree Custodians, guardians of the forest! Prepare to be punished!
--Magical Tree Custodians

The Magical Tree Custodians are a pair of mushroom-shaped guards who protect the Universe Tree and the surrounding forest. They make their only appearance in Staff Meeting.

Physical Appearances[]

The Tree Custodians are in the form of giant mushrooms. Their stalk, arms, and legs are a golden yellow, and their cap is a orange shade with yellow dots speckled on them. On the front of the Custodians' caps is an emblem of a coniferous tree, which likely represents the Universe Tree. They have arms, because without those, they wouldn't be able to hold their deadly, golden spears.


After Robin axes down the Universe Tree (and makes himself a Universe Staff), he starts the journey back to the Titans Tower. While he is going over with his new staff how great it is being free, the Magical Tree Custodians appear out of thin air. They are about to punish Robin for his actions...

However, Robin and his new staff fend off the guards and deliver several blows (Knee Smack, Custodian Poke and Ear Bite.) Robin delivers the KO by clonking them on their heads extremely hard.

Episode Appearances[]

Season 1[]

  • Staff Meeting (debut & only appearance)