Animated Character Database

Real Identity: Lyla Michaels

Affiliation(s): Amazons Appearances: Apocalypse Powers/Skills: Cloning, Energy Projection, and Flight Voiced By: Rachel Quaintance 

Lyla Michaels, as a child, was rescued from sea by a being named the Monitor to help study the Multiverse and protect it. At Monitor's request, Michaels entered an energy chamber that gave her the power to exist as multiple copies and took the codename Harbinger. Aided by the History of the Universe Orb, Harbinger helped prevent the destruction of the Multiverse. Eventually, she settled in one universe. Now a harbinger for everyone but herself, she was unsure of what to do next. When she received an invitation by Themyscira to be their official historian, Harbinger accepted.

When Harbinger began getting visions of Kara Zor-El and danger, she reported to Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman decided it was for the best to take custody of this Zor-El and relocate her to Themyscira. She and Harbinger traveled to Metropolis to find her. Harbinger was defeated in battle by Superman after she blasted him. After two months, Harbinger and Zor-El became close friends. However, while alone with Zor-El, they were attacked by the Female Furies of Apokolips. Harbinger was murdered trying to defend her friend. A memorial and statue was erected in her honor.
