Legendary Super Saiyan (伝説の超サイヤ人 Densetsu no Sūpā Saiya-jin), more commonly presently referred to as Full Power Super Saiyan,[10][11][12][13][14] is an extremely powerful and rare Super Saiyan transformation. It is a Berserk state[15]with a seemingly endless supply of energy, said to appear once every thousand years.[16] This form is the full power version of Super Saiyan C-type.
It is the Super Saiyan B-type (サイヤタイプ Sūpā Saiyajin Bī Taipu) of the Broly-type Super Saiyan forms, it is a Super Saiyan which has evolved differently from the graded forms and levels 2 and 3[4], and is the Final Form of the standard Super Saiyan[3] form, which it is a powered up version of.[1] Vegeta states that this state may be the "true form" of the Saiyans.[17]
The Legendary Super Saiyan is a being of immense power spoken of in an ancient Saiyan folklore[18], and Broly's form is referred to as being the "Legendary Super Saiyan" due to the user's love of destruction and slaughter - just like the Super Saiyans of legend[4], and it is noted that perhaps this instinct-driven form is the true Super Saiyan spoken of in legends.[1] It is the true appearance and form of a Saiyan.[19] In Universe 6, this form is known as the Legendary Saiyan.[16]