Animated Character Database
Animated Character Database
Jotunheim TTA

Long ago, the Dark Elves sent Surtur to their realm where he was defeated by Odin. They then sent glaciers over to Svartalfheim and destroyed all life there. The Sword of Surtur was lost there but found by Thor, Loki and the Warriors Three. They used to kill two Frost Giants which sparked a war. Thor eventually stopped the war by giving back the sword.[49]

The Enchantress sent the Hulk to Jotunheim during the attack on the Avengers Mansion.[50]When Baron Zemo used the Norn Stones,Ant-Man and Wasp were transported to Jotunheim.[51] He fought the Frost Giants with an Axe, while Wasp was unconscious. He nearly won until Ymirhad opened the Casket of Ancient Winters on him causing him to freeze. Before Ymir could strike Lady Sif and her Valkyries swooped in and rescued them.
