Animated Character Database

(0:50) Don't go! Dad! (0:59) Son, even the lies are lies. (1:15) Yeah? (1:16) Nick, it's me. I'm returning your call.

(1:20) Dad! Walter, are you alright? It's been two weeks. (1:24) Sorry, I've been getting ready to move to Brookhaven in the morning. (1:28) Better cardiologists than here at Roseburg.

(1:31) But I think we both know you weren't calling about my health. (1:35) I need to know more. (1:37) It's not safe to know too much.

(1:39) What happened to my real father? Who was involved? Who put you in his place? (1:44) I'm sorry, Nick. Some truths you have to dig for on your own. (1:52) Son, dig deep.

(1:54) Walter? Hello? (1:56) Agent Logan, report to my office. Now! (2:05) Listen, General. You got a lot of gall tapping my line, then ordering me to... (2:10) Shalane, what's going on here? (2:13) I was asked to report to your... (2:15) I'll tell you what's going on, Logan.

Boundaries. (2:18) I set them, you respect them. (2:21) I tell you what to do, where to go, and how to get there.

(2:25) And I can assure you, Walter Logan is not in your caseload. (2:29) I was three when my father disappeared. (2:32) He was working for you, and you replaced him with a complete stranger like no one would notice.

(2:36) Well, I noticed. So I'm putting it in my caseload! (2:40) What I did, I did to protect you. (2:43) From what? (2:43) You're confined to quarters until further notice.

(2:45) Fine. If you need me, just pick up the phone. (2:49) You two, carry on.

(2:53) Nick! (2:54) Let him go. (2:56) He needs watching. (2:59) Why? Because he doesn't always follow procedure? (3:07) Shalane, please understand.

Procedures are set for a reason. (3:12) Logan bucks them out of principle. He puts us all at risk.

(3:15) And you being his partner. (3:17) Which is why I can't betray him. (3:19) All I'm asking for is a little heads up, and he loses perspective.

That's all. (3:25) Okay. (3:42) I don't know where you got your information, sir, but there is no Walter Logan here at Brookhaven.

(3:47) Nor is there one scheduled to arrive. (3:58) Hello? (4:03) Hello? (4:03) Hello? (4:19) Area 51. (4:22) I'm sorry, I have no new listing for the Roseburg Nursing Home.

(4:26) Please, check again. They must have just moved. (4:29) It's nowhere to be found, Mr. Logan.

(4:32) Who is this? (4:35) Yeah, Nick. (4:36) Cracker, trace my last call, huh? (4:38) I think it's Reneker. And if it is? (4:40) Nope.

San Francisco. Some megacorp called Intracom. (4:44) Intracom? Never heard of them.

(4:46) Look into it for me, would ya? (4:48) I'm heading to Nevada. (4:50) Rachel, Nevada. Home of Area 51.

(5:21) What are you doing here? (5:23) Never mind. Stupid question. (5:25) How'd you know where I was? (5:31) I've been one step behind you.

(5:39) Nick, you're in trouble. (5:46) I'm sure Reneker knows where you are by now. (5:49) Yeah, I'm sure he does, thanks to my trusted partner.

(5:52) I am not reporting back to him. (5:55) I was only playing along, to keep him off our backs. (6:00) Nick, I am telling you the truth.

(6:07) I know. You're not this good a liar. (6:10) Well, thank you very much.

(6:13) For your information, I happen to be a very good... (6:18) What are you looking for? (6:20) Answers. Something's out here, but I'm just not seeing it. (6:24) Then let me take a look.

(6:40) No! (7:04) What exactly are you doing? (7:06) You forget? The Earth and I are on very good terms. (7:10) No! (7:19) Dig deep, eh, Walter? (7:39) Does your friendship with the Earth include big, suspicious slabs of concrete? (7:46) Earth... (7:49) Something is encased inside. (7:53) Humanoid, but definitely not human.

(7:57) It's drawing power from me. I... I can't control it. (8:32) Nick! (8:51) Humanity bodies in form three! (9:09) Stay on your knees, hands in the air.

(9:12) Out of the frying pan. (9:13) And into the line of fire. (9:16) We'll take it from here, Sergeant.

(9:18) NSA, extradition papers. Nice work. (9:21) Load them up.

(9:21) How lucky of the Alliance to guess exactly where I was. (9:26) Nick, I... I didn't leave them here. (9:32) Fun's over.

Thank you, Agent Blaze. (9:36) What do you mean, thank you? I didn't have anything to do with this. (9:40) You followed him.

We followed you. You had everything to do with this. (9:45) Then I'm undoing it.

(9:47) Stand down, Agent Blaze. (9:52) I repeat, stand down! (10:00) Take a squad, find her, and bring her in. (10:29) Subject has escaped.

I repeat... (10:37) Full tactical alert. (10:51) It must be blending. (10:55) Thank you.

Coordinates 3-5-0-0. (11:11) Go to yellow alert. (11:52) Finding Agent Blaze is our number one priority.

(11:58) We have a situation, thanks to you. (12:00) Good. Maybe now I'll get some answers.

(12:02) Oh, you're getting some, all right, but I doubt you'll like them. (12:05) Your routinely negligent conduct has now unleashed an IED unit. (12:09) IED? (12:10) Infiltrate, execute, detonate.

(12:14) It's a synthetic assassin, and it's unstoppable. (12:17) Who's it after? (12:19) You. (12:24) It's got blending capabilities, and can camouflage itself to match any environment.

(12:30) It also possesses a positronic DNA tracer, allowing it to track its target from great distances. (12:36) But where did it get my DNA code? (12:39) From your father. Your real father.

(12:42) The aliens who abducted him 22 years ago left behind that IED unit to neutralize his offspring. (12:48) Lucky me. (13:14) Affirmative.

Go to red alert and call in all available personnel. (13:18) It's time we button up the mountain. (13:20) It found me.

(13:21) But that doesn't mean it can infiltrate the bunker. (13:24) Forget it. I'm not sitting around waiting.

I'll find it first. (13:28) You won't last two seconds up there. (13:30) Your best chance is in here.

(13:32) 22 years ago you stopped it. How? (13:34) With relentless engagement. (13:36) We drained its power core beyond its ability to regenerate.

(13:39) It took a week and an unacceptable number of casualties. (13:42) Nick, the benefit of joining the Alliance is we take care of our own. (15:05) It's sealed every level.

It's separating its prey from the pack. (15:08) Where's Agent Blaze? She should be here helping to defend her partner. (15:12) Maybe you've got her out spying on Fitz and Neema now.

(15:15) Her Banshee powers may be your only chance. (15:17) So I'd check the attitude and start hoping she shows up. (15:21) And soon.

(15:23) Emergency power online. (15:33) It's dropping like a bad habit. (15:42) What do you mean it didn't show up? (15:55) Oh, sweet.

Here we go again. (16:09) Everything's programming is the answer. (16:11) Who built it? And who took my father? (16:13) I need to know.

(16:15) You won't get a chance to find out. (16:16) It's moving through the IED subroutine. (16:19) Infiltration, then execution.

(16:21) I know. And finally detonation. (16:23) Could take out the entire bunker.

(16:25) I'll lead it away from here. (16:45) You're putting yourself in danger. (17:16) Maybe this will prove to you that I'm not your enemy.

(17:20) Huh? (17:34) We must stay together. (17:42) Target sighted. (17:44) Rinniker's the target? (18:03) Hyah! (18:05) Oh! (18:20) Selene? (18:22) Self-destruct initiated.

(18:26) I'm overloading it! Run! (18:29) Not without you! (18:30) Can't release it! Go! (18:33) No! She knows what she's doing. Let's go! (18:41) Ah! (18:50) Selene! (19:06) She'll be remembered with the highest honors. (19:08) She gave her life to save her partner.

(19:10) It was your butt she saved. (19:12) That thing was out to get you. (19:14) No, Nick.

Its programming must have been scrambled. (19:17) Now, I know you're upset, but I strongly advise you to release me. (19:21) Boom.

(19:24) Get your grieving over with, Agent Logan, (19:26) and report back for a new partner assignment. (19:42) Selene! (19:58) I told you, the Earth and I are on very good terms. (20:09) How many more secrets are buried in Area 51, General? (20:14) Plenty.
