Hal Jordan appears in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episode "The Eyes of Despero!", voiced by Loren Lester. He is first seen leading many other Green Lanterns into battle against Despero, only to have them be turned against him by Despero's mind control. Releasing a discharge of power from his ring, he seemingly perished in the blast alongside his fellow Lanterns, with his ring going across the universe in search of another wielder. It makes its way to Batman, sending him to space. Hal, the missing in action Lanterns, and the Guardians of the Universe were revealed to be alive and in the ring near the end. Hal later makes a cameo appearance as a member of the Justice League of America in a flashback sequence shown at the beginning of "Sidekicks Assemble!" He is also mentioned in "Darkseid Descending!", where Guy Gardner and Booster Gold get into a fight over who gets to have Hal's former room on the Justice League Satellite. Additionally, Hal appears in a non-speaking cameo in the two parts of the episode "The Siege of Starro!", first, among the heroes possessed by Starro, and later, as one of the heroes that have already broken free of Starro's mind control, and battle against him.
Hal Jordan(Brave and the Bold)