Animated Character Database

(0:02) Previously on The Mummy... (0:04) The Medallion of the Medjay. (0:06) We have found it. (0:08) We're too late.

(0:09) I'm scared. (0:12) The Manacle's powers have now been wiped out. (0:16) Without the Manacle, I'm dead weight.

(0:18) The Minotaur! (0:22) This is a vision of the Djinn. (0:24) They inhabit the underworld known as Duat. (0:26) So Imhotep is planning to use the Medallion to enter Duat.

(0:29) To raise an army of undead. (0:32) The sun is setting. (0:33) Our time is running out.

(0:36) The legions of the underworld will be mine to command. (0:42) The portal! (0:43) They're gone. (0:56) The glow.

(0:57) Maybe the portal's not all the way closed. (1:00) Exactly. (1:01) But with the last rays of the setting sun, it will be.

(1:04) We must find a way to get through. (1:05) I have an idea. (1:08) Careful.

(1:09) These old war explosives can be extremely unstable. (1:13) Drop them and you'll blow us both to bits. (1:15) A one-way ticket to the pearly gates (1:17) or a relaxing tour of the underworld.

(1:20) Talk about your no-win situation. (1:25) We're running out of time. (1:28) The boy has speed, guile and agility.

(1:31) He's no ordinary Medjay. (1:33) Are you suggesting Alex may be more? (1:36) Surely the thought has occurred to you. (1:39) Hmm.

(1:43) Everybody, take cover! (1:54) Are you all right? (2:28) Just another day at the beach. (2:33) The portal. We were successful.

(2:38) According to legend, Duat has 12 levels. (2:41) One for each hour of night. (2:43) Each one more lovely than the next, I suspect.

(2:46) The Army of Djinn lie on the lowermost level. (2:49) We'll never get there in time. (2:51) Imhotep has too big of a head start.

(2:53) There is a way. (2:56) Centuries ago, I was entrusted with the secrets of Duat. (2:59) There exists a path which can bypass many levels of the underworld.

(3:03) A shortcut? How grand! (3:05) But this journey will take us through the most dangerous (3:07) and unpredictable sections of the underworld. (3:09) I knew it! There's always a catch. (3:13) It may be our only chance of beating Imhotep to the Djinn (3:15) before he can use the medallion.

(3:18) This way. (3:22) The medallion? (3:24) That will make my revenge upon you all the sweeter, Brother Medjay. (3:31) How many more of these gursive levels must I endure? (3:36) Let's see.

I think this is level three. (3:38) No, no, no. Make that four.

(3:39) So, by my calculations, that would be... (3:43) eight more levels. (3:45) Silence! (3:46) Imhotep. (3:49) Anak Sunam.

(3:53) Now that you have come for me, my suffering will finally be over. (3:59) I have come. (4:01) But not for you.

(4:03) We all make our own destiny. (4:07) Enjoy yours. (4:11) Imhotep! Do not leave me like this! (4:17) Have you discussed your suspicions with the boy? (4:27) I fear he would not believe me.

(4:29) We cannot afford to wait any longer. (4:32) He may be our last hope. (4:35) Whoa! (4:36) Too bad this shortcut doesn't come with a handrail.

(4:45) Watch out! That last step's a doozy! (4:52) Beware. This level is guarded by the Devourer of Spirits. (4:56) That's a catchy name.

What exactly is it? (4:59) Its form remains a mystery. (5:01) Bit of a recluse, eh? (5:02) No one has ever encountered it and lived to tell the tale. (5:12) The Devourer.

It's here somewhere. (5:16) How are we supposed to fight something we can't see? (5:24) Mom! Dad! (5:29) No! (5:33) Hide-and-seek time is over. (5:39) I hope I'm not seeing things.

(6:13) I suggest we keep moving. (6:15) I like the way you think, Adi. (6:20) Imhotep now has the time advantage he needs to raise the Djinn.

(6:23) Alyx must be told and he must believe. (6:32) Alyx, what do you remember from your studies about the Supreme Magi? (6:37) Just that he's supposed to be this powerful warrior. (6:39) And someday he'll emerge to defend against the forces of the Underworld.

(6:43) The last warrior of such a caliber was Osiris himself. (6:46) I do not believe it was a coincidence that you discovered the manacle. (6:51) Alyx, the Minotaur and I believe you are the next Supreme Magi.

(6:56) You're kidding, right? (6:58) I don't even have the powers of the manacle anymore. (7:01) As Supreme Magi, such powers come from within. (7:04) But only if you believe in yourself can you access your heightened abilities.

(7:08) He got the wrong guy. (7:10) Denial is a natural first reaction. (7:13) But the signs are undeniable.

(7:15) Your Magi skills have advanced far beyond your training. (7:19) Your father is of Magi blood. (7:21) And your mother is a reincarnation of a powerful princess.

(7:25) Well, I did handle that devourer. (7:28) In order to defeat the army of Djinn, (7:30) we will need the skills and power of the Supreme Magi on our side. (7:35) Are you ready? (7:39) The River of Truth.

It will deliver us to Duat's bottom level. (7:43) Looks harmless enough. (7:44) Do not be deceived by appearances.

(7:52) So much for my skinny dipping plant. (7:55) How do we proceed? (7:56) We board the vessel moored on the shoreline. (7:59) Sounds simple.

Too simple. (8:02) This is different from the other challenges we have faced. (8:05) It is a test of inner strength.

(8:07) The ship protects its passengers from the river only if they are free of self-doubt. (8:12) And what happens if, say, someone isn't free from doubt? (8:17) Even just a tiny one. (8:18) The boat will go up in flames with all aboard perishing.

(8:21) No doubt in my mind. (8:23) I'm a liar, a cheat, a coward. (8:25) Those are my good points.

Did I leave anything out? (8:27) We all must be sure of ourselves. (8:40) Nizam Top. (8:46) Surprised to see me again, Ardeth Bay? (8:49) After all, you sent me here when you knocked me into the wellspring of darkness.

(8:55) Now I shall repay the favor. (9:01) The intense heat is melting the sand and turning it into glass. (9:05) We both seek the Medallion of the Magi.

(9:08) But your quest ends here. (9:16) We must stop Toth from taking the boat. (9:18) On it! (9:28) Go, Alex! (9:29) Go! (9:43) You're not going anywhere, Toth.

(9:45) The boy Magi to the rescue. (9:48) Or should I call you Supreme Magi now? (9:52) You're going overboard. (9:57) Is that all you've got? (10:09) You like to play with fire? (10:11) Well, come and get a taste of your own medicine.

(10:29) What? (10:33) Yes. (10:36) What a supreme disappointment you've turned out to be. (10:43) Time to put you out of my misery.

(10:53) Alex! (11:05) We'll destroy you. (11:07) Wrong, Toth. We shall settle this.

(11:36) This will be your final battle, Magi. (11:40) Wrong, Toth. It shall be yours.

(11:50) You okay? (11:54) Yeah, I think so. (12:05) At last, we have arrived. (12:10) Arise, my warriors! (12:13) Arise! (12:23) Excellent.

(12:29) Alex, what's wrong? (12:32) I should have defeated Toth. (12:35) But he was so fast, so strong. (12:37) I can't defeat Toth by myself.

(12:40) Yeah, but you're not the Supreme Magi. (12:42) The Supreme Magi? (12:45) Dad, Ardith told me I'm supposed to have all these inner powers. (12:50) Be this special Magi that all the Order's been waiting for.

(12:54) Maybe he believes it, but I'm not so sure. (12:59) Somebody having a barbecue? (13:02) No! (13:04) Stop! Fire! (13:05) The kid level is in sight. Steer closer to the shoreline.

(13:09) I'm trying. (13:10) Try harder. We're about to be defied.

(13:18) Hold on tight until you're at the height of the swing. (13:21) Then leap to the shore. (13:28) Toth! Toth! (13:32) Toth! (13:35) Alex, come on! (13:36) I will see to the young Magi.

Go with him. (13:56) It was my doubt that sunk the ship. (13:59) I'm not the Supreme anything.

(14:01) Doubt is a part of any hero's journey. (14:04) Until you accept what is true, it will interfere with your destiny. (14:08) I believe in you, Alex.

(14:10) You guys should take a look at this. (14:16) The kid level. (14:21) An Imhotep and Weasler are making themselves at home.

(14:25) We must hurry. (14:31) What are those things against the walls? (14:34) Hives. Each one containing a kin warrior waiting to be resurrected.

(14:39) There are thousands of them. (14:47) Please tell me that was somebody's stomach. (15:16) Alex, find Imhotep! (15:18) You must get the medallion! (15:20) I can't! (15:21) Alex, listen to me.

We stop Imhotep now. (15:24) Or soon he will have 20,000 djinn at his command. (15:30) Toth, find someplace safe to hide.

(15:32) We'll keep looking up until this is over. (16:00) Demise is complete. (16:09) I was expecting you.

(16:13) Pity you no longer possess the powers of the Manacle. (16:16) I can take care of myself. (16:22) I've come for the Medallion of the Magi.

(16:28) Hero to the end. (16:31) But R.D.P. has brainwashed you. (16:34) Your Magi skills are little more than a nuisance to me.

(16:39) Behold real power. (16:58) No! (17:00) I've been waiting for this moment. (17:03) You've sold out all of mankind, you worm.

(17:06) What's your point? (17:10) These creatures are too skilled. (17:13) Where's Alex? (17:19) So close, yet so far away. (17:24) Too bad you are powerless to help your family.

(17:28) This is your destiny. (17:36) Destiny? (17:39) No. (17:41) This is... (17:44) Impossible! (17:46) No! (17:50) Why the long face? Don't you like happy endings? (18:23) This will be the last time you ruin my plans.

(18:27) No! (19:14) Now what? (19:31) Can it be Osiris? (19:35) And me without my autograph book. (19:37) Alex, you have defeated the Djinn. (19:40) You have proven yourself by unlocking the power within.

(19:44) Many new abilities will soon reveal themselves to you. (19:48) But always remember that you are bound to use your potential to protect mankind, Supreme Magi. (20:00) We're back on Gibraltar.

(20:11) And it looks like we left old Sandy Drawers right where he belongs, in the Underworld. (20:16) Where he will form many powerful and evil alliances. (20:20) Undoubtedly, we have not seen the last of the Mummy.

(20:23) Does the phrase party pooper mean anything to you? (20:28) Now what happens? (20:30) I'm not sure. (20:32) But the path of the Supreme Magi will not be easy. (20:38) I have no doubt about that.
