Geten ( Geten?), surname Himura ( Himura?), also known as Iceman (氷男 Kōriotoko?), is a villain who was a member of the Meta Liberation Army, and one of the main antagonists of the Meta Liberation Army Arc. Later, when the Liberation Army and League of Villains came together to form the Paranormal Liberation Front, he becomes one of its nine lieutenants.
He was arrested after his defeat during the Paranormal Liberation War.
Under his hood, Geten appears to possess messy white hair of varying lengths and silver-grey eyes framed by a set of long eyelashes the same color as his hair. His looks glow even when the rest of his face is hidden in shadow.
Geten is clad in a thick, light blue parka that reaches down below his knees, done up in the center with seven brown buttons, with a fur-lined hood that covers his face from view. He also sports black baggy pants and a pair of lace-up winter boots.
Geten is a loyal warrior of the Liberation Army and a devout believer in its principles. He feels greatly indebted and thankful to Re-Destro for granting him more power and desires to create a world where the strongest superpowers stand at the top of the hierarchy.
Geten has been shown to become greatly angered whenever anyone gets in Re-Destro's way, yelling out to the "dogs of the state" who face him in the Gunga Mountain Villa raid that they won't die painless deaths for interrupting his leader's plans.
The ice villain is proud of his Meta Ability and claims he has honed it for years. He is not focused on becoming a hero and never attended school; instead, he's lived his life by constantly training his abilities, believing that one's greatest worth is the strength of one's power.
His dedication to possession of power is so great that when he didn't win against Cementoss and tied instead, he cried, disappointed at himself.
Overall Abilities: Being a top member of the Meta Liberation Army, Geten has proven himself highly formidable. The ice warrior stated that he had spent most of his life honing his Meta Ability, Ice Ply, demonstrating his handling by creating various sophisticated ice constructs as well as using his ice to launch or lift himself through the air to outmaneuver his opponents. He can also infuse his ice into water sources. By lowering the temperatures, Geten's control over his Meta Ability is drastically expanded. His abilities also garnered praise from Re-Destro, who regards Geten as a valuable asset to the Meta Liberation Army.
During the Revival Celebration, Geten not only fought on par with Dabi, a dangerously powerful individual, to a stalemate, but obliterated a mass quantity of Twice's clone army, along with some M.L.A. members, and a significant portion of Deika City. Mr. Compress, awestruck by the mass destruction Geten can cause, labeled the cryokinetic as the greatest threat to the League of Villains. At the Gunga Mountain Villa, Geten single-handedly suppressed a large number of Pro Heroes, including Mt. Lady, but he was soon ambushed by Cementoss, compelling Re-Destro to aid the ice wielder, only to be ultimately defeated at the end of the Paranormal Liberation War.
Tactical Intellect: Geten is well-versed in tactical warfare and comes to every fight with a solid strategy. When he battled Dabi, Geten knew that the blue flames made Dabi the only wide-range combatant of the League of Villains before inquiring why he didn't activate his Quirk. Despite his inquiry, Geten was fully aware of Dabi undergoing a cooldown period before he had to use his flames again. Geten was also able to exploit Dabi's arrogance expertly and alleged Quirk-type advantage by pretending to be defeated, and then returning to the battlefield, uninjured. Having noticed and smelled Dabi's festering skin, Geten pointed out Dabi can't fight for prolonged periods when using his flames, which eat away at the flame villain's body from overuse.
- Leadership Skills: Befitting his position as the Paranormal Liberation Front's Co-commander of the Violet Regiment, Geten exhibited palpable leadership qualities. During the siege on the Mountain Villa, Geten actively ordered members of the faction in a strategy to counteract the heroes' assault.
Meta Ability[]
Ice Ply ( Hyōsō?): Geten's Meta Ability allows him to freely manipulate any and all nearby ice. He can freely gather, move, attack with, and defend with the ice he manipulates. The range of this power extends to roughly the size of a whole town.
At one point in the past, Geten underwent an Awakening, granting him the application of altering the temperature of the water molecules he wields, thus allowing him to freeze any water within his radius of control, giving him more ice to manipulate.
While this Meta Ability is strong, he can only manipulate ice, and is thus unable to create it. Because of this, Geten is limited by how much water and/or ice is in the vicinity, leaving him at a disadvantage in areas wherein these elements are absent.
- Geten's name translates to "apocrypha," a word that means "story of unknown author or origin" (外典 Geten?).
- Geten's villain name alias, "Iceman", comes from the hero mutant of the same name from the Marvel Comics Iceman. His clothes are also similar to the Mega Man franchise's Ice Man and DC's Captain Cold.
- He comes from the same family as Rei Todoroki, the Himuras, indicating that he is a distant relative to her and the rest of her children.