Genomorphs are genetically engineered lifeforms created by Project Cadmus. Cadmus successfully created at least six different types of genomorph apparently from scratch. The clones of Superman (Superboy and Match) and Roy Harper (Red Arrow and Guardian) are also genomorphs.
Types of genomorph[]
- Will Harper – human clone of Speedy.
- Jim Harper – human clone of Speedy
- Superboy (Project Kr) – cloned using Kryptonian DNA taken from Superman and Human DNA provided by Lex Luthor.
- Match (Project Match) – prototype clone of Superman.
- Dubbilex (G-Goblin) – capable of telekinesis and speech. Also capable of telepathy, unknown to Cadmus.
- G-Gnomes – small creatures with telepathy.
- G-Trolls (Genomorph Project 0427) – huge creatures with great strength.
- G-Elves (Genomorph Project 0777) – clawed warrior genomorphs.
- G-Dwarves (Genomorph Project 0707) – worker drones with tentacles.
- G-Sprites (Genomorph Project 0424) – insect-like creatures kept in jars that are capable of generating electricity, flight, and are bio-luminescent.
- Season 1
- 01. "Independence Day"
- 02. "Fireworks"
- 22. "Agendas"
- 26. "Auld Acquaintance"
- Season 3
- 25. "Overwhelmed"
- 26. "Nevermore"
- Companion comics
- 02. "Monkey Business" (no lines)
- 06. "Fears" (flashback, no lines)
Background information[]
- In Jack Kirby's original DNA Project stories (the origin of Cadmus), Guardian is a clone of the original Jim Harper who was killed in action—a creation of "The Project". Also in Kirby's original story, all genomorphs (or DNAliens, as they were then known in the story) were genetically altered human clones.
- All Genomorph sub-species (except for the Kryptonian and human clones) are named after mythical creatures. Dwarves, elves, goblins, gnomes, sprites and trolls all appear in Germanic myths and Western fairy tales based on them.