A universe where Spider-Man decided to work for Nick Fury in order to surpass himself and become the "Ultimate" Spider-Man, and also where the previously-disbanded Avengers reformed to fight the threats to the world again. The former is regularly teamed up with other young heroes to form a special superhero Task Force used to complete various missions assigned by S.H.I.E.L.D. in order to train them for their adulthood, and Hulk formed a team called "Agents of S.M.A.S.H." to deal with "Hulk-sized" threats, and prove to the world that they're not monsters, but a family.
Earth-12041 is the reality designation for:
- Ultimate Spider-Man
- Marvel Universe: Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1
- Ultimate Spider-Man Infinite Comic Vol 1
- Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors Vol 1
- Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man: Web Warriors - Spider-Verse Vol 1
- Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man: Contest of Champions Vol 1
- Ultimate Spider-Man Infinite Comic Vol 2
- Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man vs. the Sinister Six Vol 1
- Marvel's Avengers Assemble
- Marvel Universe: Avengers Assemble Vol 1
- Avengers Vs. Vol 1
- Avengers vs. Infinity Vol 1
- Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble Season Two Vol 1
- Marvel Universe Avengers Assemble: Civil War Vol 1
- Marvel Universe Avengers Infinite Comic Vol 1
- Marvel Universe Avengers: Ultron Revolution Vol 1
- Avengers Solo Act Vol 1
- Marvel's Avengers: Secret Wars Shorts
- Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
- Marvel Universe: Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. Vol 1
- Marvel's Hulk: Where Monsters Dwell