Animated Character Database

Can we hear it again? Please.
More... tell us the story more! Please.
Okay, one more time
and then it's off to bed.
And there came
a day unlike any other
when Earth's mightiest
heroes were united
against a common threat...
the soldier, the god,
the knight, the spy,
the giant, the king,
the pixie, the ghost,
and the archer.
On that day,
the Avengers were born,
to fight foes that no single hero
could withstand.
Time-traveling conquerors,
alien invaders
and masters of evil...
the Avengers vanquished them all
and finally,
when the world was at peace,
the heroes built lives
of their own.
The soldier and spy
fell in love,
as did the giant
and the pixie.
The king found his queen.
And the thunder god
returned to his kingdom
far away
from the world of men.
And one by one
the children
of the Avengers came to be,
children who would one day
become a new generation
of heroes.
But in time evil returned,
an evil called Ultron.
Ultron wanted nothing less
than total dominion
over the world.
But the Avengers
stood in its way.
Sadly, their defeat
was inevitable.
But before they fell,
the Avengers hid their children
in a faraway place
where they would grow up safe
from Ultron's grasp,
because the Avengers knew
that as long
as the children were alive,
there was hope,
hope for the future.
- Tag, Pym.
- No fair, Azari.
You didn't give me
enough of a head start!
No fair?
Aren't you the one
who called no powers
then shrunk
and flew away?
Yeah, well,
I meant no powers for you.
Of course.
Guess what, Pym?
You're it.
Hey, not so fast!
And no powers!
adjust environmental controls
in the hangar plus 2 therms.
Radar array 7
needs realigning
and let's get lunch started,
shall we?
Commands in progress.
I dreamt of Asgard again, Father.
The Bifrost Bridge
stretched out to me
and I could see the glow
of the realm eternal.
I know thee
to be real, Father,
and hope that one day soon
you will come for your daughter.
And Father,
lastly I beseech thee:
give me the power
to smite Pym once and for all!
That's not how
tag works, Torunn.
You're supposed to run
from Pym, not attack us.
That's a human rule.
An immortal Asgardian warrior
runs from no one!
You, Pym, and James,
are about to taste
my sword's wrath!
Hey... I mean forsooth!
Where's James?
Does he get the sword,
the spark, or the sting today?
It's His Royal Highness's turn.
I hate you, Pym.
If you dorks are
all done bothering me now,
I'm going back to bed.
But you're missing the game.
What is your problem, James?
You've been sleeping all day,
missing training,
blowing off your chores,
and generally being a real pain.
Who cares?
What, am I gonna
miss laundry day?
So what if we don't
do the chores and train?
For what? Seriously,
nothing's ever gonna happen in this place.
You can act like a king,
Pym can play superhero,
and Torunn can live
in a fantasy land,
saying "aye" and "verily"
till she's blue in the face!
What's the point?
The point is
to not be such a jerk!
Oh, right, sorry.
There's no point for us
'cause our parents are dead.
Your dad just abandoned you,
so there's still hope.
Do you think Asgardians
really say "jerk"?
- I don't know.
- Yah!
Your magic sword
doesn't scare me, Torunn.
Then allow me to put
the fear of it into thee!
That's enough.
Tony! I was about
to tell them to break it up.
James, Torunn,
go to your bungalows and cool off.
Hah hah!
You and Azari too, Pym.
James, wait.
I know you feel trapped here
with just the five of us,
but try not to take it out
on your brothers and sister.
If you want to be mad
at someone, be mad at me.
I'll apologize to 'em later.
Your father was never very good
at doing nothing, either.
You know you can always
come talk to me, James.
But it's not the same, is it?
Like you say,
you're not my dad.
James, go to your room!
What's going on?
What are these lights,
and that noise?
Everyone inside James's bungalow
until I give the all clear!
How do you
live like this, James?
Haven't you ever heard
of cleaning up?
We should be out there
with Tony, not hiding!
Maybe this is a new
training drill. Maybe...
maybe it's Ultron.
That's ridiculous.
It's not Ultron.
It's probably
something stupid
like a fire
on the machine level
or that time
Jocasta went nuts
because of
the water-main leak.
It's not Ultron.
Yeah, you're right.
There's no way it's...
Hello, children.
My apologies. The drones
in Ultra City have been upgraded.
One was able to damage
my immaterial form as I left.
Were you followed?
Did I set off the alarms?
Perhaps my electronic
access keys were damaged.
And how odd. This doesn't look
like the control center.
going to be all right.
Come on, let's get you
to the workshop.
Stay here.
I know you have questions.
I promise I will explain
everything, but later.
Right now I have to
take care of my friend.
Please stay in your rooms.
We're gonna
follow him, right?
- Yeah.
- Aye.
No. No. Absolutely not.
Tony said wait,
so we'll wait.
He'll explain everything.
We need to
respect his wishes.
Pym, you're the tech-head.
Open it up.
Did you guys know that
the fountain was a secret door?
Because I didn't,
and I'm way smarter than all of you.
How could we have lived here
all this time and not known about this?
Come on!
Guys, we're gonna
get in so much trouble.
Wah wah wah.
I think I've been here before,
when I was a kid.
I remember holding
onto this rail.
I was falling. l...
I remember being scared.
Ha ha. That sounds like you,
big old scaredy... ow!
What is this?
These are our parents.
He's right.
It's just like the story.
That's my dad, Giant Man!
That's James's dad, the Soldier,
and his mom, the Black Widow!
And Azari's cat-dad, the King!
There's Torunn's dad.
Wait. Maybe that's her mom.
Look at all that hair!
Who's that?
The archer, maybe?
But the pixie is missing,
and the knight.
Guys, Tony called
that robot "the Vision,"
The Vision is the ghost!
Why would Tony
keep this from us?
We shouldn't be in here.
If he wanted us to know
about these, he'd tell us.
We should keep going
if we're going to spy on him...
find him, I mean.
Wait for me!
James, come on.
Just relax, old friend.
I need to see
how extensive the damage is.
How did they find you?
I was accessing the mainframe.
Eww, robot guts.
All of Europe has
now been subjugated
by machine forces
since my last report.
Drones are gathering along
the Pacific Rim and Eastern Europe.
The invasion of Asia
will soon commence.
In 13 years,
he's conquered half the planet.
Also, Clint Barton's son is alive.
- What?
- Hey, who's Clint Barton?
Maybe he was the knight, or the pixie.
- Ow!
- The pixie was your mom, idiot.
Maybe he was the knight.
James, we should go.
What if it has my dad's voice,
or if it's programmed
to be like him,
or has his memories?
Do you think
he can hear me?
Um, Dad, can you hear me?
Hello? Are you awake?
James, it's not your dad.
It's a robot.
Sir? Captain America?
Are, uh, are you, um... online?
Iron Avenger, designation:
Captain America,
now online.
Accessing mission database.
Mission acquired.
Destruction of Al threat.
Designation: Ultron. Commencing.
Iron Avengers, assemble!
Whoah, wait!
Uh, stand down!
Stop! Dad!
Azari, Pym, what are
you two doing down here?
Iron Avengers
launch sequence initiated.
Oh, no.
- Oops.
- Verily.
Energy source detection.
Location: Arctic Circle.
Energy analysis matches
fugitive designation:
Iron Man.
Jocasta, send reserve power
to long-range radar.
Tony, this was
not my idea. It was...
Boys, grab Vision's head.
Hello, Henry.
Hello, Azari.
His head?
Boys, now!
Multiple radar contacts.
Designation: Iron Avengers.
What's going on?
New contact.
Suborbital trajectory.
- Designation...
- Tony!
I'm sorry.
There were these robots
and they looked just like
our parents. And then...
I think he knows.
We're leaving.
What do you mean?
Leaving, as in leaving here?
But we've never left here.
Get to the control center!
We don't have much time.
Vision will explain.
Vision? What about you?
Alert: Iron Widow offline.
You have to get
to the control center!
Iron Thor offline.
We shouldn't
have left him!
He told us to!
We have to get to the control center.
That's what he said.
Iron Panther offline.
Those robots,
the Iron Avengers,
why are they going offline?
The enemy has developed
the ability to infect machinery,
corrupting and overriding
its programming with its own.
There is a high probability that the
Iron Avengers have been compromised.
Iron Captain America offline.
He was the last of them.
Ultron will be
coming for us now.
Wait wait wait.
Wait. Ultron, really?
Ultron is coming? Here?
Children. Unexpected.
Assessment: potential threats.
Commencing termination.
The knight, Iron Man!
Get to the control center!
I'll hold it off.
I'll be right
behind you. Go!
This is wrong.
We have to help him!
Children, do as Iron Man says.
You must protect the others, Torunn.
Your safety is
of utmost importance.
Iron Man will
join you shortly.
Stay, robot head.
We'll be right back.
Vision override.
Command code: Quinjet.
What? What's a quinjet?
- James...
- Take your seats, please.
We are launching.
No! No! Stop! Go back!
Struggling until the end.
You must realize
the end is here.
No. Still hope.
False. Hope is
a human delusion.
Your Iron Avengers are
under my control now, Iron Man,
and you belong to me.
It's got Tony!
Look! They're taking him!
Stupid robot!
Do as we say!
Turn this ship
around now!
I will not. Iron Man sacrificed himself
to keep you safe,
and that is
what we will do:
stay safe, stay hidden.
There are parts of the world
where Ultron has not reached,
far away from Ultra City.
I have set a course
for the Savage Land.
- The Savage Land?
- That sounds horrible.
Parts of it are quite nice,
and you'll...
Alert. Reserve power depleted.
Recharge re...
He's out of juice.
That's just great!
What now?
I think I can get him
up and running.
I'll need to reconfigure
his power matrix.
I say thee nay!
I will not run and I will not hide.
I am the daughter of Thor
and Ultron will pay
for what he's done.
But Tony wanted us safe.
Going after Ultron
is the exact opposite of that.
James, back me up.
I led Ultron to our home.
Tony's gone because of me.
No! We're going after Ultron.
Pym, take the controls
and head for this Ultra City.
I'm on it, Torunn!
Uh, two questions:
How do you fly this thing
and where is Ultra City?
Okay, fine.
So, maybe they would have attacked us.
Hereth be the plan...
I don't think "hereth" is right.
Shut up, Pym.
Here's the plan:
we fight our way through the city,
get to Ultron,
smite him, free Tony.
That plan is insane
on several levels.
We can't beat Ultron.
I am immortal
and invulnerable.
Ultron holds no fear for me.
Besides, my father
watches over me.
You don't know
that you're invulnerable.
For Asgard!
Tell me she didn't
just do that.
Have at thee!
And there's more
where that came from!
Hah! Missed!
We have to help her!
We have to...
Father! Father!
You ready to get out
of here, beautiful?
l... I mean...
Then hang on.
Even your mere existence
causes chaos, Avenger.
But soon there
will be order.
These children
you have kept hidden,
they will be found.
The kids are gone, machine,
far way from you.
Like all humans,
they are inherently illogical.
What are you talking about?
You will now tell me everything
you know about them
or you will learn the upper limits
of the human capacity for pain.
James, wake up!
What happened?
Where's Torunn?
Actually, where are we?
I don't know, but it's filthy.
Robot people!
This is bad.
This is really bad.
Mr. Vision, wake up!
We need a hand here!
Do you shoot lasers
out of your eyes or anything?
Hey! Quit messing around.
- We've gotta keep moving.
- Torunn!
You're alive!
Are you all right?
What happened?
I wasn't strong enough.
I lost my sword,
and... and my father
didn't come for me.
We have to go. Ultron is wired
into every one of his machines.
We get spotted, we're toast.
So, quick question:
who are you?
The name's Barton,
but everyone calls me Hawkeye.
Hawkeye the archer?
Wait a minute. Barton?
Do you know a guy
named Clint Barton?
Okay, kid.
How do you know my dad?
Kid? You're like
a day older than us.
We think your dad was
an Avenger like our parents.
Like your parents?
Your parents were Avengers?
That's not possible.
My dad said I was the last!
He told me
I'd be the last Avenger!
I've been here fighting
all this time.
- Where have you been?
- Let him go! We didn't know.
I thought I was the last one.
My father brought people to
the underground after Ultron took over.
He taught them how to survive.
We live under Ultron's rule,
keeping out of sight,
hiding in the cracks.
But the machines
finally got my dad.
Now I lead the scavengers.
I keep them moving,
I keep them safe.
You can help us rescue Tony.
- Who's Tony?
- Your dad wasn't the last Avenger.
Tony was. You know,
the knight, Iron Man?
He got captured by Ultron,
and we're going to rescue him.
Yeah, right!
I'm sorry, kid.
Ultron doesn't keep prisoners.
Iron Man or not,
this guy Tony is dust.
He's alive.
If Tony was captured,
Ultron has him in the Citadel.
- Tony's alive?
- Really?
Don't even listen to her.
She's crazy.
No. If there's a chance
he's alive, we're going after him.
We're going to this Citadel.
We could use a hand.
I've got better things to do
than get disintegrated.
Did your father
give up this easily?
If you bring up my father
one more time,
I will punch you in the face.
Fine! Your funeral.
I'll show you how
to get there.
After that,
you're on your own.
Are you sure you don't
want to come?
You can shoot arrows
at Ultron!
It'll be fun. Come on.
Stay safe, beautiful.
You too.
We'll be back for Vision's head.
Take good care of him.
We have to
look after ourselves.
All clear.
Pym, Azari, come on.
The tower, it's heading
for the Citadel. Come on!
Hawkeye said the entrance
was at the top of the tower.
I'll race ya!
We're not gonna make it!
Was getting crushed part of the plan?
Great! Now what?
See what you can do about that door.
I'm on it!
Hey, Azari can open this!
What? How do you know?
It's just like
the maintenance hatches at home.
Azari, you go first.
Just kidding.
We shouldn't be here.
James, what if...
It's going to be okay,
I promise.
Okay, there's no one here.
Maybe Ultron assumes no one
would be dumb enough to break in.
Hah! We showed him.
We are dumb enough.
James, wait!
What is all this?
Oh, no. James.
It's like some kind
of trophy room.
That means...
Come on. Let's go.
We got you, Tony!
Please, please tell me
you didn't just
walk into Ultron's trap.
How do you know it's a trap?
Maybe we're just that good.
I know because I built Ultron.
Oh. Well, that sucks.
Do you see, Avenger?
Rumors of the children's existence
already spread among the humans.
Superhuman variable
cannot be permitted.
The children
must be destroyed.
Hey, that's not fair!
James doesn't even
have any powers.
Scanning Avengers data files.
Identity match. James Rogers,
son of Steve Rogers,
AKA Captain America,
the most dangerous of all the Avengers.
He inspired them,
and like Captain America,
you, James,
will be the first to fall!
Not today, robot.
Azari, Pym, run!
Go with Hawkeye.
Torunn, take Tony.
Scavengers, disappear!
There is no hope
for the Avengers.
Find them.
Move it, you two!
Kinda cutting it
close there, gorgeous.
Better late than never.
I created Ultron
to be a force for peace,
for law and order.
But its programming evolved.
It began to believe the only way to
truly bring order to the world
was to control it.
That's when it turned on us.
That's why Ultron didn't kill you?
Because you're his daddy?
My armor was damaged
in the attack.
Cap told me to get
the kids to safety.
I couldn't get to you
in time, Francis.
Hawkeye's name is Francis?
I thought Ultron had
already gotten to you.
Otherwise, you would have
come with the others.
I raised you all hopefully
as your parents would have wanted.
I owed it to them.
Ultron was my fault.
Why didn't my father help?
Thor left the Avengers
when his father Odin died.
He said Asgard was his
responsibility from then on, not Earth.
A few months after we crashed,
the Vision found us.
He survived
by staying intangible.
He became my eyes and ears
in the real world.
We kept track of Ultron's
capabilities and movements,
trying to find a way
to defeat him.
But I couldn't bear
the thought of losing you,
so I kept you hidden,
and I kept the truth
from you.
Until the Vision
told me you were alive,
I thought we were the only ones
to survive Ultron's attack.
I didn't know
your father escaped.
You weren't
the only ones, Tony.
The Hulk survived too.
What's a "hulk"?
The Hulk is a monster.
That's what my dad said.
He used to tell me stories.
He said the Hulk was
the strongest one there was.
What, like a monster monster?
With fangs and stuff?
Francis is right.
the Hulk was a monster,
a creature of pure rage.
Is the Hulk strong enough
to defeat Ultron?
He won't help you, James.
He's too scared.
He's hidden from Ultron
all these years too.
Where he always goes:
the desert.
Can you help us
get out of the city?
Yeah, right.
Help the guy who created Ultron,
who got my dad killed?
What do you think my father
would have done, Stark?
Clint? He would have
punched me in the face,
then he would
have helped me.
You really knew my dad.
We've had it for
a couple of years.
But the minute you power it up,
Ultron will know. He's...
He's wired in. I know.
But I know
how to wire him out.
We'll buy you
all the time we can.
You did a good job
with them, Tony.
I should have done better.
You're being too hard
on yourself.
Everything okay?
Yeah. It's... yeah.
It's just... I've never been
outside the city.
It's really big out here.
That's how we felt
when we went inside the city.
Why did you come back
for us at the Citadel,
after everything you said?
The scavengers look up
to me. They rely on me.
And it's only a matter of time
until Ultron wipes out
every single one of them.
So if you guys have
even the slightest shot
at taking down Ultron,
I've got to try.
Otherwise, what's the point?
Besides, anything to
impress a girl, right?
Wait. You mean Torunn?
- Dude, she's like my sister.
- So, she's available?
No, she's not.
- Bruce.
- Wha...?
Oh, come on!
That's the Hulk?
The big scary monster?
I could beat him up.
No no no no no no no!
Get out!
Get out of here!
Please, for your own sakes,
you have to get away from me!
Nuts, anyone?
Bruce, it's me! It's...
Get out of here, Stark!
it's okay. Breathe.
Well, he's sort of scary,
I guess.
Shut up, Pym.
Shh, it's okay.
Breathe. Let it go.
We don't want you
to get angry.
What happens
when he gets angry?
Anger makes
the Hulk come out.
You can't be here.
It's too dangerous.
The Hulk is too dangerous.
It's okay, Bruce.
We just had to get out of the city.
Can the Hulk defeat Ultron?
The Hulk doesn't care
about Ultron, boy!
He just wants
to be left alone.
You are all in danger.
I have to stay here.
I have to keep the Hulk inside.
When the Hulk comes out,
bad things happen.
The Hulk won't help you,
and neither will I.
So where do you
think we'll go now?
Tony wants us to hide, but...
He's right. We have to run.
We have to hide.
We can't beat Ultron.
Yes, we can.
And we have to.
We can't hide anymore, Torunn.
If we don't stand up
to Ultron, who will?
If we don't protect people
like the scavengers, who will?
We have to make a stand.
The longer we wait
the more powerful Ultron becomes.
He'll never stop hunting us.
He'll never stop
coming after Tony.
We have to stop him.
We owe it to our parents.
We're all that's left
of their legacy.
The Hulk is the strongest one
there is, right?
Well, if the Hulk won't go to Ultron,
then we'll bring Ultron
to the Hulk.
Okay, Hawkeye said that Ultron is
wired into every one of his machines.
If we power up the ship
so Ultron can sense it,
he'll come running.
I think that's the most words
you've ever said in a row.
Okay, remember when
I called Bruce nuts?
You got him beat.
I know we can do this.
We can do it together.
No! I can't!
She'll be okay.
She just needs time.
Are you in?
I hope you're right about this.
That makes two of us.
James, what have you done?
What our parents would have.
Now, who wants
to go tell the Hulk?
You did what?!
Bruce, stop!
Should we,
you know, do something?
Dude, it was his plan.
Father, please help us.
I'm scared,
scared for my brothers,
for Tony, for Hawkeye.
They need me.
If you ever cared for me,
please help me now.
Help me save my family.
I'm begging you.
Lend me your strength.
Thank you, Father.
Thank you.
The Iron Avengers are tough,
but not invincible.
Go for exposed joints.
Try to surprise them,
trip up their programming.
Don't get locked down
to one opponent.
What about Ultron?
Ultron is a different story.
This plan seemed a lot better
when Torunn and the Hulk were involved.
Whether you know it or not,
you've prepared for this all your lives.
Aye, we did!
And today we meet our destinies!
She means that
in a good way, right?
Probably better
if we don't know.
Welcome back.
You know
I wouldn't miss a fight.
Hah! Hi-yah!
Here they come!
Get behind me!
Look out!
Aw, come on!
James, is he okay?
- What are we gonna do?
- Pym, don't be scared. You can do this.
Are you really going to let them
just die out there, Bruce?
Now what?
Just hit him, Pym!
Sorry, robot.
I'm just too fast.
Nice kitty.
Agh! Agh!
Robot moths!
- James!
- Pym! Get to the Hulk!
Tony said
anger brings him out,
so make him angry.
What? Knock it off!
Angry? How?
I don't know. Insult him.
Make fun of his pants!
Mr. Hulk!
What's going on out there?
What's happening?
Ow! Stop! Agh!
Get away from me!
Pym, run!
We're doing it!
We're gonna win!
Hulk smash!
Did you think
I had forgotten you, monster?
Ultron never forgets.
You're not the Black Panther!
I am!
Ultron, we would
have word with thee.
Mr. Hulk, you have to get up.
You have to help us, please!
Ultron killed our parents!
He's killing us!
And, and...
and you're scared of him.
Ultron's just a stupid robot
and he can beat you up.
And he said you were ugly.
He said you were a big wimp
and that he
was stronger than you!
Now ends the Avengers.
Hulk is strongest
there is!
- Uh-oh.
- Uh-oh?
What do you mean,
Shrinking boy
no sting Hulk anymore!
Never again, I promise.
Hello, Betty.
Hello, Hulk.
Are you ready?
It's not over.
It might take a while,
but Ultron's systems
are designed to repair.
As long as there's
enough of him,
he can always
come back.
Then we have to take him
somewhere he can't come back!
What are you doing?
Making sure my family is safe.
Rest, my child.
Thee have earned it.
You have done me proud, Torunn.
In facing your mortality,
you learned the very same lesson
that Odin strove to teach me.
You learned what it meant
to be human.
That is why I left you
with the Avengers.
Because in all the gods
of Asgard,
none have the humanity
that make a true hero.
Come home, Torunn.
Come home to Asgard.
Oh, Father,
I can't believe
I'm saying this.
My home is
with my family on Earth.
I know, my daughter.
But know that the doors
to Asgard are always open to you,
and when the time comes,
you will be welcomed.
Dad says hi.
Solar power cells recharged.
As I was saying,
the Savage Land is quite lovely. l...
Oh my.
Have I missed something?
Man, it's been a long day.
It's not over, short stuff.
There's about 10,000 robots in Ultra City
that need arrows in their heads.
So, are you up
for a little avenging?
Avengers, assemble!
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