Animated Character Database

Template:OrganizationCoruscant (pronounced /'kɔɹəsɑnt/), also known as Imperial Center during the reign of Emperor Sheev Palpatine, was a planet in the Coruscant system of the Core Worlds which served as the capital of the galaxy for over a millennium. It was a prominent world known for its cosmopolitan population and culture, the towering skyscrapers of Galactic City, and its long history as the center of political power from the time of the Galactic Republic to the age of the Galactic Empire. In addition to its political affiliations, Coruscant was the location of the Jedi Temple which served as the headquarters of the Jedi Order.

The whole of Coruscant was the site of Galactic City, a vast ecumenopolis that covered the entire surface of the planet. Although it was the homeworld of the human species, much of Coruscant's population consisted of various alien races from across the galaxy. The city was also the hub of galactic culture, education, fine arts, technology, and finance. It was from Coruscant where the galaxy based its universal dating system. By the Fall of the Republic, roughly a thousand years after its founding, several notable monuments and structures were located on Coruscant, including Monument Plaza, the Senate Building, the Senate Office Building, and the Imperial Palace—formerly known as the Jedi Temple prior to the rise of the Empire.

Following the Emperor's death at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, the Empire made its last stand on Jakku and was defeated by the New Republic. With the signing of the Galactic Concordance on Chandrila, the Empire surrendered Coruscant to the Republic and ultimately ceased to exist. However, former officials of the Empire were permitted to establish a provisional government on Coruscant. Though it would be administrated by Grand Vizier Mas Amedda, the Republic stationed observers on Coruscant to ensure that both Amedda and his government remained powerless in the new era.

By the time of the Empire's dissolution, the Republic had already chosen to break with a millennium of tradition by rotating the galactic capital from one member world to another. Despite losing its status as the center of galactic power, Coruscant would go on to gain representation in the Galactic Senate. Approximately twenty-eight years after the Battle of Yavin, Senator Arbo represented Coruscant as a member of the Centrist faction.
