Animated Character Database

(0:58) ...interruption in the Aegean Islands, can't tell, but it's, it's major. (1:04) Look out! (1:07) What is that thing? (1:47) Damage to Flyer One! (1:50) Confirmed Minotaur! (1:52) They seem to be...tracking something! (1:55) We can't contain them! (1:58) Look out! (1:59) Damage to Flyer One! (2:14) One side, coming through. (2:15) Neema, Fitz, what's going down? (2:22) Seriously, what's happening? Where's Schling? (2:24) Haven't seen her.

One side! (2:26) Major problem in the Greek Isles. Minotauri sighting. (2:30) Minotauri? (2:30) Badass hunters for hire.

They're after something, but we don't know what. (2:33) But they're not keeping a low profile. (2:35) Which means we've got a mess to clean up.

Come on! (2:43) Back off, Logan. This is a star situation. (2:46) Don't need my help? (2:47) We've got two bounty hunters causing trouble already.

(2:50) Trust me, we don't need a third. (3:09) You seen Schling? (3:10) She's gone. (3:12) What? (3:12) Security tapes show she took off around 3 a.m. (3:16) Apparently, the comm unit in her quarters malfunctioned.

(3:19) She overheard the Minotauri situation. (3:21) So? (3:22) I don't know. (3:22) I don't know what's going on.

(3:24) Centuries ago, the Minotauri fought a major war with the Banshee (3:28) and were imprisoned in natural stasis. (3:30) Now Mab's cut them loose. (3:33) Mab.

(3:34) Bounty hunters. (3:36) Schling! (3:37) Exactly. (3:38) But why would she run? (3:40) Cerebus, mechanoid parahound.

(3:43) It can track anyone, anywhere, even here. (3:46) Your partner was protecting you, Logan. (3:49) If I were you, I'd... (3:50) Go after her.

(3:59) Crocker. (4:00) I need all forms of public transport available out of Roswell (4:03) around 3 a.m. last night. (4:05) Just the one.

(4:06) Trailhound bus 325. (4:08) Headed? (4:09) Southeast. (4:10) I'm on it.

(4:26) Excuse me. (4:27) Do you have a washroom? (4:29) Out back. (4:39) Ay, Schling lass.

(4:41) You're alone again. (4:43) Queen Mab's hatred grew stronger. (4:46) It was bad enough when it threatened only you.

(4:49) But when it threatens friends... (4:51) and partners... (4:55) Yeah, blasted stray dogs. (4:58) Get away from that trash cans, you get... (5:13) Run! (5:22) Yes, run. (5:39) Run, my quarry.

(5:43) Cerebus. (5:44) Remain to guard the rear. (5:52) But I will have my sport.

(5:57) Trueblood to base. (5:59) They gave us the slip. (6:00) Starting search pattern, now.

(6:03) Take a bounty hunter tip, Trueblood. (6:06) Don't chase the hunter, chase the prey. (6:09) Logan, you're not authorized.

(6:11) Just follow my coordinates. (6:14) And bring a medic. (6:29) Alive.

Barely. (6:32) And Schling. (6:55) No! (7:18) Mab said to keep my freedom.

(7:21) I must bring your head. (7:25) However... (7:25) She did not say... (7:27) It need be attached to your body. (7:39) No more! (7:53) Of course.

(7:57) Let's show them. (7:59) Mab has made a contest. (8:10) To the victor the spoil's gone.

(8:14) And the prey is mine. (8:31) I got troubles of my own. (8:55) Eat this, doggy.

(9:01) Man's best friend, are you? (9:32) But you may be useful. (9:41) Ah, you is was the better hunter, Jon. (9:46) And I shall be... (9:49) Again! (10:01) Ah! (10:09) Guess we missed the party, huh? (10:16) Found this in the wreckage.

(10:18) Schling's. (10:20) So that's what Logan meant. (10:23) The Minotauri are after the Banshee.

(10:25) If she's alive, she'll need our help. (10:28) Stand down, detail. (10:31) You've got enough to do here.

(10:35) Typical. (10:36) Just like Star to hog all the fun. (10:41) Talk to me, Cracker.

(10:43) The target is scared and exhausted. (10:45) She'll be drawn to anything that reminds her of home. (10:48) How about a slate quarry? (10:49) Got some standing stones there.

(10:51) Don't nobody know where they came from. (10:53) Banshee outpost. (10:55) Cracker, I could kiss you.

(10:57) That's why I keep my distance. (10:59) Going after her? (11:00) Not yet. (11:02) Something else to do first.

(11:08) Yep, localized tornado. (11:11) Get them sudden twisters around here occasionally. (11:13) Bless a leaf, place is mostly deserted.

(11:16) Preda. (11:18) What? (11:21) Problem? (11:22) That was Logan. (11:24) He needs one of us to go after Schling.

(11:26) But Trueblood ordered us to stand down. (11:29) Our job is to clean up messes. (11:30) Nobody tells us where or what tools to use.

(11:34) Start mopping up, Pereira. (11:37) You got it. (11:49) Time to pay the ferryman, Tron.

(11:59) This may be tougher than I thought. (12:25) Oh. (12:25) You are too clever to risk capturing alive.

(12:29) Oh, but I enjoyed the chase. (12:31) I promise your death will be swift and merciful. (12:54) Mab gave me certain protections against your power.

(13:00) Mab calls me a traitor to her race. (13:03) Yet she disgraces herself by resorting to such as you. (13:07) The band she loved life and despised technology.

(13:11) And you! (13:12) The opposite, yes. (13:15) But I thank you for your defiance of Queen Mab. (13:19) Her hatred of you has led to my freedom.

(13:24) Which I now make permanent. (13:27) Back off, horn boy. (13:30) I won't ask twice.

(13:33) This really is getting most tiresome. (13:37) If it's not one interruption, it's another. (14:00) Tell... tell me it's over.

(14:02) Wish I could. Let's go! (14:42) You should have taken me to the outpost. (14:45) I could have teleported away, (14:46) saved you this trouble.

(14:48) Sure, you would run and they would follow. (14:51) Until at last you couldn't run anymore. (14:53) Logan was a bounty hunter too, remember? (14:56) He said to keep you in the area.

(14:58) Nick? He's here? (15:00) How'd you think I found you? (15:02) No, he can't. He mustn't. (15:05) We Banshee have prophetic dreams.

(15:08) I saw Nick in my dream last night. (15:10) His face was a skull. (15:13) So you think your dream predicts his death? (15:15) Well, what else would it mean? (15:22) I don't know.

(15:24) But I do know things aren't always what they seem. (16:01) Looks like Logan ran into something hot. (16:05) Over there.

His coat. (16:10) And in the bushes. (16:18) This is it! The place I saw in my dream! (16:21) The Minotauri were chasing me and... (16:23) How'd you know they were coming anyway? (16:26) The comm unit in my room.

(16:28) It was malfunctioning. I overheard the field report and then... (16:31) And you ran. Convenient.

(16:33) What? (16:34) Detail work makes for a suspicious mind. (16:37) If not for that malfunction, (16:38) the Minotauri would have dragged you to the bunker itself. (16:50) Two! One! (16:52) Hold tight! We're in for some chop! (17:22) If you have gods to whom you pray, Banshee, (17:27) make your peace with them now.

(17:31) No! (17:54) The hunt is over, Conmort. (17:58) I win. You lose.

(18:02) And Mab shall take you back. (18:06) No... (18:07) No! (18:39) I confess to some surprise, Chiron. (18:42) I was told that as a hunter, Conmort could not be surpassed.

(18:47) But clearly, that has changed. (18:51) It has. (18:58) What is this? She's alive? (19:14) You! (19:22) That's right, Mab.

(19:24) You said it yourself. The best of the hunters. (19:27) So this is your only warning.

(19:29) This ends here. We go our ways. (19:33) But if anyone else comes looking for Shlain, (19:36) I come looking for you.

(19:39) Understand? (19:42) Very well. (19:44) I lift the price from the head of Shlain Blaze. (19:54) But understand this, Nick Logan.

(19:56) The price is now on your head! (20:06) Cool. I can live with that.
