Animated Character Database
JLA EP Under a Red Sun08689

Real Identity: Big Barda

Affiliations: Justice League

Appearances: Under a Red Sun

Powers/Skills: Enhanced Strength, Unarmed Combat, and Armed Comba

Voiced By: Laura Post 

Big Barda was raised on theand molded into a fierce warrior. A common practice was for all to vy to see who could down the most enemies. Ultimately, Barda turned to the side of good and fought the forces of Apokolips. At some point, Barda encountered Space Cabbie. She agreed to take a photo with him for his collection. She traced a squadron of Parademons' energy signature after they were deployed to Earth. Batman and Superman were aided by Barda. After Barda asked, Batman denied they kept count of how many enemies each combatant took down. Superman announced he took out 59 Parademons. They began to speculate who came with the Parademons but Barda reiterated Darkseid's inner circle was numerous. The perpetrator Steppenwolf made his presence known and shot at Superman. He quickly opened a Boom Tube and tackled Superman through. Batman and Barda boomed to Apokolips. Barda believed Steppenwolf's compilation of starscape maps would clue them in one which planet he chose to fight Superman on. They made their way to Darkseid's citadel. A Demon Dog detected them and charged.

Instead of letting Barda fight it, Batman activated sonic emitter on the left side of his belt. The dog rolled over and heeled. Batman leaned in and said, "Boo." The Demon Dog ran off. Batman declared that was one for him and fired his grapple gun. Barda was not amused. They were near Steppenwolf's war room but Batman told Barda to wait. A patrol of two Parademons rounded the corner. They took out one each. As they looked through the maps, they were greeted by Virman Vunderbar, another of Darkseid's inner circle. Batman threw out his Batarang before Barda could inform him how short Virman was. Barda attacked but was repelled by Virman's Kinetic Force Shield. Batman quickly figured out Virman's shield was designed to repel kinetic force and advised Barda to use steady pressure. She gently placed her Mega Rod on the side of the shield and launched Virman into an alley then barricaded it with debris and placed a giant stone face of Darkseid on Virman. Batman asked again where Steppenwolf was. Virman caved in.

Virman gave up and promised to tell them everything as long they didn't let him squish. Barda refused to let Batman take the point and cited she did the heavy lifting. They boomed to the planet but Superman already defeated Steppenwolf. Barda took custody of Steppenwolf and informed she was tied with Batman 2 to 2. Superman revealed he got 3. Barda was amazed Superman spent half a day under a red sun and still beat them both.

