The Dollmaker appears in the animated film Batman vs. Robin, voiced by "Weird Al" Yankovic.This version of the character is Anton Schott by name with elements of Barton Mathis incorporated into the character.[21] A strong man who was a near-victim of his serial killer father in childhood, Schott wears a broken doll mask and kidnaps children from Gotham City, turning them into cyborg dolls (with modifications like chainsaws implanted on their arms) in an abandoned toy factory. Schott claims that this way, they can never be hurt again. After fighting against Robin (who reluctantly spares his life), he is killed by Talon of the Court of Owls, who rips Schott's heart out and inadvertently frames Robin for the murder when Batman arrives just as Talon left, making Batman think Robin did it until he finds an owl feather as a clue.
Anton Schott(Dollmaker)